Natoma's mission to revolutionize the Non-Human Identity Management

May 28, 2024

Pratyus Patnaik

Will Potter

Zachary Hart

Paresh Bhaya

Zachary Hart


We are on a mission to empower enterprises to securely connect any technology and become the first identity platform to help securely adopt GenAI tools. When we embarked on our journey last year, we engaged with 50+ leading CIOs and CISOs who emphatically told us they are turning a blind eye to the non-human identity sprawl due to the lack of an effective solution among the various security and identity platforms at their disposal and were concerned about the imminent surge in copilots and bots. Hearing their concerns inspired us to develop the Natoma platform, with a vision to create an easy-to-use and deploy solution that not only provides visibility but, more importantly, grants control over Non-Human Identities(NHI) within their environments.

Addressing the Challenge

NHIs are essential for modern enterprises using numerous software applications and services, from corporate SaaS tools to cloud and on-premise applications. As the use of AI copilots, bots, and no-code automation tools grows, so does the need for effective management of these NHIs to ensure security and efficiency.

The rapid proliferation of NHIs creates a complex security and management gap that most traditional tools fail to address effectively. Today, customers lack a definitive source of truth for NHIs, forcing them to spend an inordinate amount of time inventorying these assets in their environment. They lack context around these NHIs, on why they exist, who created them, where they are being used and if they are still needed. And by the time the inventory is complete, the data is already outdated. 

Another major challenge customers encounter is managing credential rotations for these NHIs, where large teams invest significant amounts of time in manual tasks that are poorly executed, leading to outages, downtime, and unexpected work.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower enterprises to securely connect any technology, addressing the Non-Human Identity challenges through innovative, business driven solutions. Natoma’s platform offers automated discovery, intelligent context, monitoring, and policy-based governance and lifecycle management. This comprehensive approach ensures an improved security posture and unparalleled efficiency in managing the unique challenges of NHIs. Our vision is to equip every team with the platform to manage NHIs as autonomously as we manage human-driven workflows today. Implementing automated 'joiner-mover-leaver' processes for non-human identities, along with on-demand and policy-based credential rotations with a thorough understanding of downstream impacts, ensuring zero downtime and outages. Additionally, elevating access reviews from merely "who has access to what" to critically focusing on "what has access to what" is crucial. This ensures that existing NHIs and integrations remain essential to business operations.

This is a pivotal moment in our lives, as AI is set to revolutionize the way we live and work. Security forms the foundation for AI transformation, and Natoma aims to be the identity layer that enables enterprises to securely embrace the AI era. Our approach combines robust security with a friendly, consumer-like user experience, making the security teams effective and efficient in their core duties. 

Leading the Way in Identity Security

Today, we're thrilled to introduce Natoma to the world. We don't just consider the enterprises we work with as customers; we are committed to being their partners in their journey to safeguard their infrastructure. In the coming weeks and months, we will deliver our groundbreaking product to our partners. We are excited to lead the charge in redefining how businesses secure and manage non-human identities and as we move forward, we will provide deeper insights into the innovative solutions we are developing. Our solutions are designed not just to address current challenges but to provide a strategic advantage as enterprises evolve.

Stay updated on our latest developments and insights right here on our blogs, where we continuously share our progress and innovations in securing and managing NHIs.

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